Help Center

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General Help Topics

At PrintKK, we respect intellectual property and ensure a safe environment for all. Please review our guidelines:


🔐 Intellectual Property Policy:
- Use images you own or have rights to, including AI-generated images.
- No prohibited content (see below).


🚫 Prohibited Content:
1. Child Exploitation: No content that exploits or abuses children.
2. Harassment & Bullying: No harassing, bullying, defaming, or threatening content.
3. Hateful Content: No content promoting violence based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, etc.
4. Illegal Activities: No content promoting illegal activities.
5. Intellectual Property: No infringing on copyrights or trademarks.
6. Personal Info: No personal or confidential info without consent.
7. Self-Harm: No content promoting self-harm.
8. Terrorist Organizations: No content supporting terrorist organizations.


🔔 Additional Notes:
- No profanities on products with visible branding.
- Some providers can't print designs with nudity or explicit content.


By following these guidelines, you help us maintain a respectful and lawful environment for everyone.


📧 Need Help?
- Email: [email protected]
- Chat Live: Click 'Contact us' in the lower right.